Us navy plumbers during vietnam war
Us navy plumbers during vietnam war

us navy plumbers during vietnam war

Thus, the term squid, which swim fast but crash into everything. The term refers to the aquatic animal and how it can swim fast in a straight line but similar to inexperienced motorcyclists, have trouble quickly changing directions.īack in the 1960s, it wasn’t uncommon for a sailor to spend their deployment money on motorcycles with little to no riding experience. (especially Marines) generally called sailors. Squid Source: Ī term used in the old Navy (not the store), Squid is what other branches In addition to being called to by rate and rank, often times sailors will hear these commonly used colloquialisms during casual conversation. There is a certain way a sailor must walk and talk when they finally get to the fleet and Recruit Training Command (RTC) is the first place new recruits learn this. Along with all the conditioning, weapons handling, and drilling taught during boot camp, culture and etiquette are also a must to learn. It may even be a shock compared to their hometown. It is inevitable when a person signs up for the military, they are joining a whole new culture.

Us navy plumbers during vietnam war